Saturday, February 16, 2013

Your Personal Wrecking Ball

Years to build.
Moments to take down... a bit like a reputation (but that’s another thought).

Ever watch a building being demolished?
Not one of those huge, multi-floor monstrosities
they bring down with the carefully placed explosive charges.

I’m talking the smaller assortment given
to the local wrecking crew – you know,
the one with the crane and the big wrecking ball!

Ten years back I happen to spend a couple hours with my youngest boy,
watching the +Winter Park Langford come to ruin.

From what I’ve heard this building grew from nothing to something.
It experienced changes along the way,
changes that were thought to be for the better.

It stood the test of time.
And then –
Wham, blam, slam!

A few shots from the wrecking ball, and it’s gone.

I’ve known some people like that.
They grew from nothing to something.
They experienced changes.
And stood the test of time.

And then, in a matter of moments,
along comes that personal wrecking ball.

I know each of us has our own demons.
Most of us know who and/or what they are.

For many, that demon is self-doubt.
Unchecked, self-doubt can become your personal wrecking ball.

The good news:  YOU are both the tenant and landlord of your destiny.

Remodel or tear it down?
The choice is yours.

And you know what... the rent’s due daily.

Take Care,
+Coach Curley


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