Friday, February 1, 2013

Yesterday’s Tomorrow

"A new attitude invariably creates a new result."

The first Sunday in January, the 6th,
My family and I decided to re-up a Sunday dinner time ritual:  
Setting goals for ourselves.

Over the ever present meat and potatoes,
We take turns divulging our week's ambitions.
And my wife writes them down.
The following Sunday, we report back on our successes, and set new goals.

My first declaration for the New Year, though a bit cliche, 
was/is 'to stop sweating the small stuff.'

While browsing my +Twitter account several days ago I came upon a posting:
“Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.”
After organizing in my brain exactly what the tweet meant,
I concluded the clever tweet was an appropriate reaffirmation of my first goal of 2013.

Goal One Affirmed, I figured WTH (tweeter speak for "what the heck"), 
this tweet has given me an idea to accomplish my second goal of the year; 'start a +Blog and write something every week.'
instantaneously googled the word "worry".
To surmise, to worry is to feel distressed, anxious, troubled or uneasy.
Simply put, worrying is not good.
Sweating the small stuff is not good.

I am sure there are folks like me that occasionally 
spend some yesterdays worrying about today.
In an effort to help here’s a truth that encourages me...  
"Today is the yesterday you’ll reflect on tomorrow."

Why not make that reflection a positive experience?
Use today to create the yesterday you’ll look back on tomorrow with pride and self-satisfaction.
You won’t have the time to worry about tomorrow.
Or the need.

Take Care,
+Coach Curley

"A positive attitude is a person's +passport to a better tomorrow."--Anonymous

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