Friday, February 22, 2013


“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” 

Hear ye, hear ye!  Read all about it!
Now hear this!
I hear ya'!
Just hear me out...
Have you heard the one about...?

It is astonishing how much hearing we do.
And how much we’re expected to hear.

She had to appear in court for a hearing.
I hear you loud and clear.
He needs a +hearing aid!

What’s even more amazing is,
while we’re so focused on hearing all there is to hear...
Very few are actually listening.

Having spent the last nineteen years attempting
with my wife to raise three boys,
Seems to me that we need to alter the focus.

Hearing without listening
is like ice cream without the calories,
+Diet Coke without the caffeine:  what’s the point?

To go along with hearing aids,
I think we ought to invent a listening aid.

In this perfect world, the devise would be voice-activated,
and it would provide whispered reminders every 5 seconds.
“Listen up!”
"Pay attention."
"Take note."
“Think before you speak.”
“Forget the words - what does he really mean?”

Pay heed, what do you think?
Are you with me?

Just a thought...

Take Care,
+Coach Curley

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